A novice attorney struggles with one of the most challenging and melodramatic cases of his young career.
For this serpentine, true-crime dramatic depiction, novelist and essayist Seay (Dead in a Ditch,2011, etc.) effectively collaborated with debut author Lloyd, an Oklahoma litigator who, in distinctive detail, describes the yearlong, first-degree murder case that would shake up his early days in the courtroom. Escorting Seay to the Oklahoma locations crucial to the events and drawing from a memory bolstered by a trove of newspaper articles and court transcripts, Lloyd engrossingly pieces together a story of crime and blame.
The case began in 1982, a time when Lloyd, a cub lawyer having only tried (and lost) one jury trial, became propelled by grief after losing his newborn son. He channeled great effort into examining a homicide involving Noi Kanchana Mitchell, a wife charged with the ruthless murder of her husband, Bobby, in a case that, in Lloyd’s words, would take “all of the energy and physical reserve I could muster” as well as endangering his marriage and jeopardizing his financial stability.
Thankfully, this enticing setup delivers on all of its promises as readers are immediately thrust into the story of Bobby Mitchell and his Thai wife, Noi, and the nagging feeling Lloyd experienced that she was innocent of his murder, even though the odds were stacked against her.
The primary evidence, which pointed to her direct involvement in her husband’s strangling, shooting, and corpse disposal, included the statements of an accomplice and Noi’s audiotaped confession. Upon questioning her, the attorney discovered a language barrier and some emotional trauma, which became problematic to sleuthing the case. Lloyd, clever and determined, discounted Noi’s confession, believing it to have been coerced by police, and through preliminary hearings, courtroom dramatics, key witnesses, misled speculation, and cruel accusations, the truth, while untidy, finally emerged in grand fashion.
Despite three trials, fluctuating self-confidence, and numerous roadblocks, Lloyd triumphed while creating tantalizing, exhilarating fodder for Seay to mold and craft into a rollicking murder trial that moves swiftly despite a surfeit of heavily detailed events and many supporting characters. Besides enticing Perry Mason fans, this book should please readers devilishly curious about the intricate workings of the justice system and the trial-by-jury process.
A bracing, spirited true-crime narrative that reads like fiction but is very much real and rooted in the brutality and injustices of contemporary life.
Category Archives: courtroom drama
Review by “Reader Views”
First Post:”Almost A Murder”
Going to the bookshelf in a store or a library, I reach out with a tentative hand towards a world – a whole new world. The books are waiting just beyond reach, ready to pull me into their orbit. My hand hovers, not yet touching any of them. I’m looking, wafting, not quite ready to commit. In that delicious anticipation I linger until a color or word catches my eye and my hand closes around the spine of my choice. I flip to the description and my journey begins.
From one heck of a great writer I’ve heard it is rewarding to put something down in ink that resonates another person and connects heart-to-heart.
“Words matter; we surely must know that by now. They inspire us, ignite us, open our hearts, and make us laugh ’til tears stream down our cheeks. We are connected by them, mind to mind, heart to heart. In the end, what we know is that words tell our stories, lighting our way on this bumpy, human path, reminding us, as our shoulders brush against each other’s in the darkness, that we are all in this together, making our way home.” – Jody Seay
And I’ve “made my way” with so many great authors. I love the feel of books, the smell of books, the weight of a book in my hand. I love to read. So it is with great honor we present to you our new book…
… about a scared young mother and wife, who was lost in a new world, who did not have the support and protection from those that promised it. What she did was terrible. And it is about one man who was not prepared to take on her massive burden – but he did. And it is about his family who suffered because of his compassion and bulldogged refusal to let bullies win. His clan suffered, but they fought too, to keep the family intact and that is a stunningly beautiful part of this story. And, finally, this book looks at our American justice system…
… and at the end of it, I am more proud to live in this country than I ever have been. And that is because of this book.
So, we share our new book, ALMOST A MURDER, with you. We hope you enjoy it. We’re confident you will.
Please let us know you enjoyed this “new world” we offer – tell us. And spread the word, too! The book is out. It’s spinning in the universe and creating it’s own gravitational pull. Choose it. Hold it. Sniff it. Enter it. Love it! And tell others about it. Happy explorations…
- The Publisher, 2018
“Almost a Murder”: Great Drama
In this book, a true courtroom drama called “ALMOST A MURDER“, readers have an unparalleled “you are there view” of this epic legal battle .
The authors, Jody Seay and Jim Lloyd recount how a wealthy “Son of Oklahoma” is slain by his delicate foreign wife. The brutal facts are clear to the police: she cracked his skull with a bat, shot him twice, she strangled him, dumped his naked body, lied repeatedly and then, when cornered, she confessed. Everyone believes it’s going to be a slam-dunk murder trial and a quick trip to a lethal injection.
Her lawyer is Jim Lloyd. He’s a cub lawyer with no criminal trial experience. She has no friends, no money, and barely speaks English. Together they stand against powerful political and financial forces who will do almost anything get retribution.
In this courtroom drama, the authors’ stunning ability to capture pivotal moments and to reveal human weakness (with all of the personalities on display) show why this searing trial made the headlines week after week.
Ultimately this REAL-LIFE COURTROOM DRAMA is one of the most studied legal clashes in US law today. One award-winning author and one lawyer who was in the thick of it all; together they create a spellbinding account of uncertain justice, fight for family, and the struggle to do what’s right.
Almost a Murder will be sold in brick-and-mortar stores and online. If it is not on the shelves yet, please go in to the store and ask for it.
And if you love the book, which we are sure you will, it would be wonderful to hear about it. Drop a comment here at the website or go online and leave a review. And, of course, spread the word to all who follow and adore you.
Happy reading and enjoy the courtroom drama, Almost A Murder!
What’s Happening with the Book?
Hey, everyone is asking both Jody and Jim, “What’s happening with the book, “ALMOST A MURDER“?
Well, we’re here to tell you!
- The book will be officially released on July 21, 2018. That means it is the official “on sale” date. Yeah!
- Jody has maxed out her launch team. Thank you all for volunteering. She is a massively loved person. It warms my heart to witness this outpouring of support. I’m giving you all a virtual hug.
- She’ll be sending out an email to each and everyone of you on the launch team this week.
- Jim still has a few places left on his launch team. We are so gratified by the strength of commitment from you all. Honestly, we know you are all busy, but your caring resonates loudly.
- The book will come out in both hardcover and paperback.
- The eBook will be out before Christmas.
- The audio book is in the very early stages. Yes, there will be a book on disk (and audible) for those of you who like to listen to great stories. But, you’ll have to wait for quite a while because it takes some time to get it finished.
It’s time to start spreading the word about this great book. The feedback we’ve received so far is “It’s an exciting read!” Thank you one and all.